Monday, December 6, 2010

Chapter Seven: What Goes Around Comes Around

And we're back... whoa, it's been a break. a long long time. and in the midst of all things chaotic, it is time to pull back anchor and come home.

this might be a bunch of ramblings... but sometimes we all need it. maconica, i again completely understand where you are coming from. i had a conversation today with a new friend and we were talking about where God has us in our life. i never thought i would be content with living in bham so close to home. but kicking and screaming, i am here and God has me completely content (for now). i just feel that he is going to place me in specific situations and places and no matter where i am, he will give me contentment. yes, i have the humdrum days still, but He has given me so many blessings right now, i have no other reason but to rejoice in His name... and what better time than CHRISTMAS!!!!

so relating back to the chapter... things are seldom what they seem. suggestion: take each day and think about how God wants you to use this day in proclaiming his love! even if its just one simple thing a day. For example: a girl at my work is flying home on Christmas Eve to see her family in St. Louis for holiday.... but it snows in St. Louis. it snows a lot. So I told her that I wrote in my planner that I will be praying for her trip and her travels... and i really think it meant a lot to her.

anywho, back to CS. I love the outline title on page 113: Four Principles For All of Life. for. all. of. life.
1. "When all seems lost, it isn't [...] When it seems things can get no worse, they can" (CS 113). This phrase reminded me of something Pastor Hodges (from Church of the Highlands) always said about his grandmother. When someone would ask her how she was, her response was always "I'm better off than most." What a great phrase to remember. Even in our dull days, our bad days, our trivial or difficult days, we are still living in better conditions than most of the human race. CRAZY right?

2. "When no one seems to notice, they do." I love this part. How incredibly wonderful is God? doesn't this part about the king not being able to sleep make you smile? And how of ALL things, they bring him the chronicles that recorded Mordecai's report! I mean, of ALLLLLLL records, they bring the king THAT one! Isn't God so cool?? Try and think of all the things in your life that were too great and perfect to be coincidental... and then place God our Creator into the picture. He DID that.

"Momentous events often hang upon the tiniest trivialities. Have you discovered that? here is a wonderful case in point [...] I love the first three words of 6:1, 'During that night.' That's the way it is with God. At the eleventh hour, He steps in. He does the unexpected. When no one seems to notice and no one seems to care, He notices and He cares 'during that night'' (CS 114).

I take great comfort in this. Please break right now and appreciate the love God has for us. Listen to "How He loves" by David Crowder... and also enjoy a little needtobreathe....

I completely agree with CS on page 115 and love that he points out Psalms 56:8... He even keeps our tears in a bottle. What wonderful perspective.

3. "When everything seems great, it's not." Haman got what was coming to him. But lets reexamine Mordecai. To be honest, I personally would find it difficult to mimic Mordecai's actions. He is quiet. He doesn't act with a vengeance. He waits on the Lord. WHICH we are learning, right? to wait? I pray to be like Mordecai. And THEN, Mordecai gets the highest recognition.... BUT he is so incredibly humble! I pray to be like Mordecai.

"How rare are the people who can be promoted to a place of highly visible significance and not live for their own clippings or crave the spotlight or demand center stage. Soft-spoken, genuinely humble celebrities are rare" (CS 118).

4. "When nothing seems just, it is." I kind of laugh at this.... do we really think things are just when NOTHING goes our way? Or when we truly feel someone or something is out to get us?  How incredibly hard is this to follow. But how much fruitful would our lives be if we could have the mentality to think " I have been humbled through this' [...] or 'God has crushed my spirit, but thankfully, I've learned to rely on Him" (CS 120).  Thoughts on this??

The last story about the shipwrecked man is my favorite out of the whole chapter. "Everything the marooned man owned had to be destroyed before he could be discovered-- and rescued. God seemed so distant for so long, but He was working on both ends--to bring the ship of rescue near at just the right time and to reduce the marooned man to nothing in order to bring him to his knees" (CS 122).

How true is this. God wants to give us everything. Love. Joy. Bliss. but in return he wants everything from us. Right now I am trying to grow in my walk with God. I want to give Him everything. One of the hardest things though to give Him is my time. He has brought me to my knees before and like the almighty Savior He is, came swooping in and saved me. Time after time.

"In the final analysis, God will have His way. He's not impressed with earthly kingdoms and personal towers, with pride and prestige and wealth and fame. He's impressed with a humble heart that comes to Him on His terms" (CS 122).

Loving being back... will probably post Chapter Eight this week too, so be on the lookout!


1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed this chapter and four principles in life that CS writes about. It's a good reminder and it settles my heart.

    I think it's easy to blame others when things don't go our way. It's hard to admit when we are wrong and when we are mistaken because we want to have pride in ourselves. I've learned over and over again (and thankfully I have surrounded myself with Christian people) that if something doesn't go the way I want it to it is because it is God's will. I like the saying, "If God brings you to it- He will bring you through it." Also, when I begin to believe that things are at the worst I turn to scripture to remind myself that "I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me" (Phil 4:13).

    I think I turn to Christ most when I am down and times tend to be hardest and I tend to praise Him when good things happen. I need to work on praising Him even in times that I think everything is falling down around me.

    I cannot believe it is already December! I love this time of year and I am reminded to count my blessings. My heart also goes out to those who are without this holiday season- without family, clothes, a warm home, a bed to sleep in, and food to fill their bodies. God Bless each of ya'll- I am so thankful to have met such wonderful people!
