Monday, October 18, 2010

Chapter Three: Strength and Dignity on Parade

So this is probably one of my favorite chapters so I might skip around a bit… I think I refer back to this chapter the most just because it highlights qualities that I strive to acquire.
CS begins by pointing out how incredibly humble Esther is and how removed she is from society’s view of how a woman should act.  I love on page 43 how he describes Esther: “Isn’t it refreshing to find a little demureness in a beautiful woman? Isn’t it delightful to observe true beauty, which carries with it a modesty and a disinclination to compete for honors physically? I see that in Esther, and I’m impressed by it.”
I’m greatly impressed by it too. How true it is that in today’s society we are constantly striving to fit a typical mold! To be like the models in the magazine in which most often times the images are distorted and touched up to make these ordinary women seem perfect. I love how CS talks about Esther’s humility and modesty. I think what really makes a woman stunning and beautiful is how she portrays herself mainly through her actions. Personally I strive to be graceful (which is often hard considering I am accident prone in every facet), but also, to be graceful you must leave some to the imagination.
I strive to be like Esther. CS’s six characteristic of strength and dignity is something we all should write down, keep in our wallet and post on our mirror so that we think of these things daily.
1.       Modeling Grace. Esther didn’t just model grace before the king, but modeled grace even before those who are often overlooked. Think daily, how do you treat the waitress that brought you your coffee and bagel today? What about the janitor that cleans up after you leave work and takes out the trash? I currently am working at a clothing store, and I greatly appreciate when customers genuinely ask how my day is, or communicate with me in other ways then just looking at me as a drone. I take note of it.
2.       Unusual Restraint and Control. Ladies, let’s be mysterious! When I did this study previously, the woman leading it told us to “Never miss an opportunity to keep our mouths shut.” How true is this statement? I feel women most often times get a bad rep because of our ridiculous ability to gab and recall details… many that aren’t our details to share. “There is an air of mystery about a woman, an unpredictability that men find intriguing” (CS 46)…. Hmmmm, something to think about…
3.       Sustain a continually teachable spirit. I love this little insight of wisdom CS shares: “Education is going from an unconscious to conscious awareness of one’s ignorance.” We will never reach the wisest of the wise. If we open each day allowing God to show us new things and to learn new concepts, how great our hearts and minds would open up, don’t you agree?!
4.       Exhibit an unselfish modesty and authenticity. I think this is a tough one. I just think about how long it takes for me to get ready each day… and sometimes it’s so silly how much time I spend contemplating on what I’m going to wear and how I try to model after others?! What are your thoughts on this one??
5.       MY FAVORITE: Model winsomeness. Aren’t we drawn to people who are winsome? When I think of someone who is winsome, I think of how I viewed my mom when I was little. All little girls want to play dress up and be like mom. Yes we go through those stages where nothing mom does is cool, and nothing she suggests is right. But think about when you were little. Wasn’t mom just the best person IN THE WORLD? And why was that? Because moms made everything better. It’s not just a woman’s physical attributes that make her alluring, but rather her “charming and gracious spirit” (CS 50).  Esther was winsome.
6.       A humble respect for authority. Thoughts on this one???
CS points out that acquiring these characteristics seems daunting and unattainable. But I love his response in telling us that we are wrong in thinking so. In becoming like Esther we must be dead to this world.
1 John 2:15 : "Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in the world—the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does—comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever."

I admit, this is difficult. How much easier it is to live according to society. How much easier is acceptance if we live up to the world’s expectations? We are simply weird or odd if we do anything else that is not mainstream or popular, right? But what does the world have, what does society have without God? There is no joy.  There is no fulfillment. CS says to ask God “to give you discontent for the superficial and a deeper desire for the spiritual. Make yourself available to His strength, His reproofs. Seek His counsel for the things you lack” (CS 51).
“His light in our life gives us a growing disgust for things that merely satisfy the flesh… It is His working in our lives that uses us even in the harems of life to make a difference and to model a charm and a beauty, a dignity and an elegance that cannot help but cause people’s attention to be drawn to Him and His power” (CS 52).
Here again, I can’t help but think of the prayer my friend prayed over me. She asked for people to be able to see Jesus in me. Through us and by modeling these qualities we are drawing people to Him. How great is that?! How marvelous it is for others to be attracted to Christ through us?! This alone helps me get through the seemingly mundane times.
CS closes chapter three by quoting the Proverbs 31 wife (one of the founding verses of our blog!!). If you ever feel insignificant or powerless as a woman, read Proverbs 31 and the unique gifts that God gives women. You are significant. You do matter. You do have a place in this world. God made you for this exact moment and time, the one thread that is you in His marvelous tapestry. Take comfort in knowing that He is sovereign.


  1. I totally agree. This chapter is great. I definitely think that we should all write these down and try to emulate them as much as we can. (I know that I need to..especially number not the best secret keeper. hah)

    Sorry I dont write long posts on here Chris..I just feel like you do such a good job summarizing and everything, that I just add my little 2 cents and agree with everything you say. hah.

  2. Oh, I also really loved how CS tells us on page 52 to "Ask God. Trust God" I think that is so well put. It is easy to do the asking, but much harder to do the trusting. Just a thought..

  3. Christian- your posts are so great! I too love this chapter. I LOVE, LOVE the verse from Proverbs 31:25, "Strength and dignity are her clothing, And she smiles at the future." I want to hang it in my house so I can be reminded of it daily. The characteristics that CS says about strength and dignity are encouraging. I want to be the type of woman that is full of strength and dignity. Number five talks about winsomeness- I've never heard that word but I like it (and it's meaning)!

    I like Anne Morrow Lindbergh's quote on page 51- I hope one day I am may grow to be the type of woman she speaks about.

    On page 53, CS writes about some of the qualities that impact women's lives- I've never thought about women how he speaks about us! It made me humble and proud.

    On another note, after reading the section he addresses to me on page 56, I got out of bad and took my book to Michael and asked him to read the section. It was nice to read about how much men appreciate their wives and how the bible talks about how wives should strive to be. It was just a good reminder to me :)

  4. agreed agreed! definitely a good chapter to come back to frequently.

    i liked all the above. to add to the education part, the quote on page 47 where it says "cultivate a willingness to learn and to remain teachable." i think that is huge, especially for me and others who feel the need to be independent and on top of new things. the ability to recognize we do not know everything, and that we need help. mostly from God, but also just in life... we do not have to be ahead of the crowd for everything. keep yourself open to what others can teach you.

    also, loved the qualities of women on page 53. i wrote in my book below them that it is important to recognize that these qualities are not faults in a day and age where women work in "a man's world." intuition, endurance to pain, unique responsiveness, and the quality of vulnerability - we are given these things for a reason and instead of succumbing to what we think is expected of people, we should embrace these womanly characteristics we have been given.

    anyway, love this chapter. love you ladies.
