Sunday, October 3, 2010

Introduction and Chapter One: God's Invisible Providence

Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God."

So here it is! Our first posting and first chapter together! I figured by now you would have the time to buy the book... and read the introduction and the first chapter. But if you haven't, NO WORRIES!! That's what's really great about the blog. You can do this at your own pace!

My goal is to post a new post about each chapter on Sunday of each week. BUT if you want to post your own thoughts, go for it! I would love to hear what you think of the book!

Since it has been a while I thought we could join the Introduction and Chapter One together...  (but the Intro is pretty basic, and we'll prob just skip the intro and dive into the chapter)...Soooo let's get started:

In the midst of chaos, when all things just seem to be crumbling and not going my way, it is extremely easy to fall into self-doubt and feel defeated. And then I remember and come across great scripture such as Psalm 46. "Be still, and know that I AM GOD." To know that he is sovereign is just an incredible reassurance and can give such great peace.

I love how Swindoll begins the chapter, "God's presence is not as intriguing as His absence. His voice is not as eloquent as His silence." He emphasizes God's sovereignty and very real presence in the incredible story of Esther over and over, but is also sure to point out that God is not mentioned in the Book of Esther once.

I was talking to a friend the other day about my life and how I wish I could have a sign that I am going in the right direction. What a weird funk we are in.... we are new graduates. Some of us are not doing anything with our major. Some of us are working in areas or jobs that we hate. Some of us are working in areas we love. Some of us are scared about permanence. Some of us are about to embark (or ar embarking) on a new journey with another person and continually learning new things about them each day. And we wake up each day not knowing what we are supposed to do, or act, or sometimes who we are supposed to be. College in no way prepares us for the weird funk.

I admit, I have been a little lost and stressed out about what I am supposed to do. with. my. life. But then my friend and I started talking about God's plan for our lives. And then I felt so silly. I was getting angry because I couldn't see God's big picture for my life. And then I remembered his sovereignty. On page 2 CS (Charles Swindoll) quotes Isaiah and what God said to the prophet, "My thoughts are higher than your thoughts." CS also says on page 3 "Furthermore, God has a will. But make no mistake about it, His ways are 'unfathomable.' No human being can predict or plumb the depths of God's will."

And then I have peace about it. DUH! Why would I want the God I love and the Father I turn to for help and for comfort be limited to the capacity of my small mind? But then here's the cool thing: though He is incredibly sovereign and in control over every big and minute detail... of the entire world... he still wants us to seach him and lets us be with Him. "But if we come with an open heart, in faith, we will find that He is waiting with open arms, ready to accept, to receive, and to fill us with power" (CS pg 3).

I also love on page 6 how CS describes how some of us react when we get frustrated not knowing.. or when we go astray: "(God) is neither fickle nor moody. He will have his way and He will not be frustrated. And if you think He has met His match with you, my friend, you are in for one back-flip suprise."

Moving on to the story of Esther..... if you have not read the full story of Esther in the Bible (which I hadn't before I started this Bible study the first time around) I really encourage you to read it first.

On page 10, I love how CS allows the reader to relate to Esther. Can you imagine a little girl, losing her parents... crying each night... probably not understanding who God is... or if she does, constantly questioning 'Why?'... feeling absolutely alone, lost, insignificant? It really brought it home to actually think about God having his hand on Esther's life from day 1 and when she went through tragedy... how that tragedy was probably necessary in order to prepare for what He had in store for her in the future... to be QUEEN and to one day save her people... WOW!!!! Can you imagine if you went back in time and told little crying Esther what she one day would become?!

Chapter One really is an overview of the entire Book of Esther. However, in other chapters CS goes in depth about each detail, bit by bit. So I won't really dive into the history and significance of each event quite yet. But what stuck out about the story to you? What really hit home with you?

I was a bit appalled about the king's behavior. Sometimes I think we forget that leaders (or perople we put in high positions) that we don't personally know have an actual personality. They too have character flaws. To think... the king gets drunk and wants to impress his buddies. And calls/demands his queen to come and flaunt herself in front of his buddies to make him feel more superior! AND SHE SAYS NO! Insane!

Before I end I wanted to note on page 12 (middle of the page) a great prayer we can pray when we feel lost or become discouraged: "Lord, involve me in the process, if it pleases You. Activate me in Your action plan. I'm available. Speak through me. Use me." And I always add... Be WITH me.

Another friend asked me the other day why I believe in God, and how I am able to just fully act according to something that seems unreal and, at times, can seem quite bazaar. To be honest, I am still fully searching for the answer. And an answer I can fully put into speaking terms. But for certain I know that it is strictly by faith. Hebrews 11 gives a great definition of faith and how we can act as followers of Christ. And sometimes I have to remind myself that He is there and sometimes CONVINCE myself when I feel He is absent.

On page 17 CS says, "I've never heard an audible voice in the middle of the night reassuring me, 'I'm here, My son.' But by faith I see Him and, inaudible, I hear Him on a regular basis, reading Him written in the events of my life."

CS also does a great job of pointing out the gallows that Haman had set for Mordecai. How Mordecai acted out by faith and what He knew was right, even though destruction was right in front of his face. But those gallows weren't for him! CS wants us to "see the relationship of the truths communicated in the story of Esther to the reality of your own life. One way to do this is to realize that the gallows you think are prepared for you are not that at all" (pg 17). And to confront those seemingly looming gallows we must "Be quiet. Be convinced" (pg 18).

CS gives us a great prayer to pray over ourselves on page 18: "I am convinced that You are at work amid the gallows of my life. I can see them in the dawn of the morning sunrise, but I know You're at work! I cannot change the events, but I know You are there in the midst of them. Rescue me. I come to You throught Christ. I come to You alone. I am quiet, and finally, I am convinced."

Again this brings me back to Psalm 46. Read over Psalm 46. If you ever get discouraged, ask God to guide you. I know what it's like to be frustrated... as I continually find myself having to ask God for peace and to give me peace about not knowing.

I would love to also have the opportunity to do prayer requests. So if you are comfortable sharing, what are the gallows in your life?

What is great about the story of Esther is we are able to see how timely God is. AND what's even cooler is we will soon be able to relate to HER life!! Isn't that crazy?! Trust me when I say this... that by the end of the study, you will have a new role model.

I'm so excited about this blog, and even more STOKED about rereading CS's account of Esther. PLEASE comment on what you liked most about Chapter One and any other thoughts, comments, critiques, prayer requests you might have!!



  1. Dang girl, get it. That was a wonderful recap of the first chapter! i'm excited about this book and doing a bible study with everyone over the world wide web... should be an interesting first!

    Here's what I took from chapter one. Seeing as we are all in a new stage of life, full of uncertainty and new lessons being taught, it's really easy to get caught up in the mess of confusion we are faced with. It's hard to want to give over all of our fears, frustrations, and faults over to Him… to admit that failure. Welp, no worries. I'm reading this other book called The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren (great one, as well) and he talks about how all the challenges we face are opportunities for spiritual growth.

    "God develops the fruit of the Spirit in your life by allowing you to experience circumstances in which you're tempted to express the exact opposite quality!" (202)

    Swindoll talks about a similar situation when he says, "He will bring you to nothing to get your attention. He will even crush you, if need be, as He did with Nebuchadnezzar the king. God alone is calling the shots." (6)

    As scary as these both sound, it's also very hopeful, in my opinion. Once we realize that the challenges we are facing in this new chapter of our lives are only making us a stronger Christians, it's easier to be more open to the experience… to allow ourselves to strengthen our relationship and dependence on Him.

    Instead of drowning in my fear or frustration, this chapter gives me hope to, "realize that the gallows you think are prepared for you are not that at all." (17)

    He is in control. It may not happen the way we see fit, when we expect it, or even be what we had planned, but remember that He is thinking of us in everything he does. It's only fair we give Him all we have in our thoughts, prayers, and worship, as well.

    "Stop reaching back into your own treasure of security. Stop trying to pull the strings yourself. Stop manipulating people and situations. Stop making excuses for your irresponsibility. Stop ignoring reality. Stop rationalizing your way through life. Be quiet. Be convinced." (18) "Be still, and know that I AM GOD." (Psalm 46, as Christian pointed out earlier!)

    I guess that’s what I’m working on these days: giving up my independence, truly allowing my heart to be open to Him, and willingly & lovingly giving into God.

  2. wow, nice job ladies...very well put.

    Well, i basically came away with a lot of the same thoughts as yall did..uncertainty and doubt are definately common companions these days but it is so nice to have thing written so clearly by people like Swindoll to make us realize exactly how silly it is to doubt God. Sure, we all were taught to "trust in the Lord" but it is so much easier said than done. I think both of yall pointed it out already, but the passage from page 18 where he says to just be quiet and be convinced that God is there with you is so powerful to me. I know personally, my mind is constantly racing 90 to nothing so to ever hear the words "be quite" is almost like my brain wouldnt be able to function if it wasnt racing. But to really be able to listen and feel God in your life, I feel like that is exactly what is necessary...also much easier said than done. So, anyway, just a thought on that.
    But, I really loved this chapter and cant wait to keep reading!

  3. Okay- so I FINALLY picked up my book last night and started reading it. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I HAVE BEEN NEEDING!!! I had to call Meri Kate and tell her how I really am loving this book and I feel like it is truly speaking to me.

    Since I have been gotten married, I feel as if God has been such an absence in my life. I feel as if I have placed Him on a back burner. I have been focused on my marriage, my dog, my house, and finding a job and a career path that truly makes me happy. When I started reading I realized that the reason I have been feeling so empty (literally) is because I have not taken a breath and asked God to take control. I need to allow Him to have control and not stress out, cry, and blame Michael for my not having a job.

    On page 18, CS says, "Be quiet. Be convinced." I love that. It also says that even though God is not mentioned, he is behind every act. I feel like that really applies to me right now.

    Love you ladies!
